Somatic Bodywork & Coaching Blog
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What Is A Sitting Practice?
One of the ways a sitting practice is different than traditional meditation is that we are practicing feeling our whole body, not just focusing on the breath.
What Does Being Centered Mean?
“Find your center”, “Get centered”, “Come back to your center”. These are all expressions we’ve heard, but what do they mean to you?
Somatic Coaching Vs. Somatic Therapy: Working With Trauma
It’s common that people looking to resolve past trauma reach out to me.
How Can Somatic Coaching Help With Anxiety?
Somatic work is one of the most effective ways to combat anxiety attacks and panic attacks.
Breathing Exercises For Stress Management
More and more when you hear and read about how to manage emotions and stress, you come across research on breathing exercises.
Is Somatic Bodywork Designed For Emotional Release?
It’s common that people expect or anticipate an emotional release when receiving somatic bodywork.
Why Talk Therapy Often Isn’t Enough
Most therapy centers on cognitive work between the client and practitioner. Very often this about helping the client to reframe unhelpful, negative, or ungrounded self-assessments and have a new understanding of themselves.
How Somatic Coaching Builds Mindfulness Around Social Anxiety
Growing research reveals what many somatic practitioners have known for a long time: eye contact can be incredibly triggering for people with trauma.
Virtual Somatic Bodywork
With the rise in telecoaching, teletherapy, and telehealth, more and more people have become used to getting their mental wellness needs met online.
The Difference Between Somatic Bodywork and Massage
Given that the somatic bodywork I offer is hands-on connective tissue work done on a massage table, it’s understandably often confused with massage.
Somatic Healing Is About Getting Out Of Our Heads
Culturally we are very focused on the brain. The assumption is that if there is something about our mental well-being that needs changing, it has to do with what’s going on inside our skull, and only that.
Becoming Embodied: Feeling Your Feet
In the somatic work I provide, feeling your feet isn’t just a metaphor or a good idea - it’s an essential part of coming into your body, your senses, and of trusting yourself.
Somatics Reveals How Practice Is Required for Change
The power of practice is something that has been studied over and over again. Learn how the power of practice can positively or negatively affect your life based on what you’re practicing.
What The Breath And Breathwork Can Reveal About Somatic Healing
The breath tells us what it needs to heal, and Somatic bodywork can help you access and harness your breath to unlock healing.
Difference Between Therapy and Somatic Bodywork and Coaching
Certified Somatic Coach Lennon Molofsky explains the difference between Somatic Bodywork & Coaching and therapy.
Somatic Coaching and Reconnecting With Yourself
One of the primary offerings of somatic bodywork is that it creates a space and a context to listen deeply to the intelligence of your body.
What To Expect From Your First Somatic Bodywork & Coaching Session
Learn what to expect from your first somatic bodywork & coaching session with Lennon Molofsky, a certified Somatic Coach & Bodyworker in Petaluma, California.
Somatic Bodywork in the Workplace Part II
Somatic bodywork can help you understand how you come across to others, learn more in this post by somatic bodyworker and coach Lennon Molofsky.
Somatic Bodywork and Finding Center in the Workplace
Somatic bodywork can help you center yourself in the workplace and aid in managing healthy conflict so you can approach stressful situations in a better way.
Somatic Bodywork & How Your Body Responds To Stress
Somatic bodywork can help relieve and reverse the ways your body has learned to manage and cope with stressful or traumatic situations.