Somatic Bodywork & Coaching Blog
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Somatic Coaching For Empowerment
Empowerment is the ability to be aware of what choices are available, and then take centered action based on what is needed or most appropriate.
Somatic Release For Anger
Managing anger is one of the hardest things to do for many of my clients.
Somatic Breathwork
Somatic breathwork (or breath work) entails guiding a client through a particular breath pattern as a way of supporting the client to move energy, access more aliveness, and become more open and connected to their body.
A Body-Based Approach To Better Managing Stress
Even if we are aware of distressing thoughts, the only way we know we are stressed or anxious is actually because it is felt, which means it is happening in the body.
Somatic Bodywork For Better Relationships
As a coach and bodyworker, I’m not simply in the room to give you practices and suggestions or provide bodywork, I’m also there to offer assessments around how I see you showing up in the relationship.
Bodywork For Trauma
The bodywork I offer is designed to help people feel their bodies more deeply, and because many of my clients have had trauma, the bodywork is also a place to process that trauma.
Why You Shouldn’t “Just Be Yourself”
“Just be yourself” is one of the most common pieces of advice we hear from people. And if it were universally understood to mean that there is deep value in showing up in the world as our most authentic, vulnerable, mature selves, there likely wouldn’t be anything wrong with this expression.
Is Somatic Coaching A Treatment For PTSD And Trauma?
As a somatic coach and bodyworker, I don’t think in terms of treatment, diagnoses, or pathology. I’m not here to fix you, rather I can offer guidance and practices for you to change your way of being in the world.
Will I Be Comfortable With A Male Bodyworker?
Many of the people I work with - especially many of the women I work with - express a very understandable concern about receiving bodywork from a male identifying bodyworker.
Why Bodywork Can Help Anxiety More Than Therapy Or Meditation
For many struggling with anxiety, simply learning the very practical steps of how to soften and let go in the tissues of their body can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed by stress and feeling skillful in managing it.
What Is The Difference Between Somatic Therapy And Somatic Bodywork?
This blog focuses on the main aspects that make the somatic bodywork I offer distinct from somatic therapy.
What Is Somatic Coaching For Executives and Leaders?
One of the most powerful offerings I have as a somatic coach is helping my clients to see how they are perceived by others.
Why Is It Hard To Feel My Body?
The core offering of somatic bodywork and coaching is to help people become reacquainted with their sensations, their energy, their body.
How Often Should I Schedule Somatic Coaching?
One of the most frequent questions I am asked by new clients is how often I recommend they schedule sessions.
Letting Emotions Move Through Our Body
From a somatic perspective it is not our strong emotions themselves that are the problem, but rather the way we let ourselves become consumed with the emotion.
What Is Somatic Healing?
In this blog I hope to offer some insight on what it means to heal as it relates to the modality of somatic bodywork and coaching I offer.
How To Manage Strong Emotions
Fundamentally the issue isn’t that our emotions are too strong, but rather that we have not yet made ourselves a big enough container to be with our emotions.
What Is Mental Health Coaching?
In addition to the somatic work I offer, I also pull from my trainings and experience as a mental health coach.
Difference Between Somatic Therapy and Somatic Coaching: Part 2
As discussed in previous blogs, there are similarities and differences between therapy and the type of somatic work I offer clients.
How To Find A Somatic Therapist Or Coach
Choosing a somatic coach, somatic therapist, or somatic bodyworker is no easy task given that many practitioners offer work online.